What did it mean for Jesus' first listeners to encounter him? Why did he make such an impression on them? Dallas Willard explains in The Divine Conspiracy what he thinks was happening when Jesus showed up.
§17 A Harlot Crashes the Party (Conspiracy Commentaries)
A prostitute, a slut, doesn't wait her turn, if it ever would come, to meet Jesus. She just bursts into the situation and presents herself. Why? She sees the invisible action of God, explains Dallas Willard. Michael Stewart Robb discusses Chapter One of Dallas Willard's The Divine Conspiracy.
§16 Proprieties Aside (Conspiracy Commentaries)
Sorry for the click-bait title! :) Learn what Dallas Willard thinks the proprieties are and why Jesus' life means they don't matter anymore. Michael Stewart Robb discusses Chapter One of Dallas Willard's The Divine Conspiracy.
§15 God's Kingdom Opened to All (Conspiracy Commentaries)
Jesus makes it possible for everybody to be a part of what God is doing. His life didn't start a church but a divine beachhead in ordinary life. Michael Stewart Robb discusses Chapter One of Dallas Willard's The Divine Conspiracy.
§14 Habitation of the Eternal (Conspiracy Commentaries)
Humans feel the need to count for something. But God's idea is that we would do that with Him, as the habitation of the eternal. Michael Stewart Robb discusses Chapter One of Dallas Willard's The Divine Conspiracy.
§13 Entering the Ordinary (Conspiracy Commentaries)
Jesus comes in the front door, not through the skylight. He's actually interested in ordinary stuff. Michael Stewart Robb discusses Chapter One of Dallas Willard's The Divine Conspiracy.
§12 A World Historical Force (Conspiracy Commentaries)
How much Jesus is there in Europe? SO much that you probably have never heard what he is really about. Michael Stewart Robb discusses Chapter One of Dallas Willard's The Divine Conspiracy.
§11 The Invitation (Conspiracy Commentaries)
On why Europeans know Jesus and yet don't. Michael Stewart Robb discusses Chapter One of Dallas Willard's The Divine Conspiracy.
Conversations ft. Aaron Preston // on “Life in the Dark” by Dallas Willard // Ep1
Michael Stewart Robb and US philosopher Aaron Preston discuss Dallas Willard's "strange" introduction to The Divine Conspiracy, the role of ideas in life and the big idea that moral knowledge is unattainable resulting in a disappearance of moral knowledge. But has it reappeared?
§10 Smothered in Slogans (Conspiracy Commentaries)
"Stand up for your rights!" "I want to be an Oscar Mayer Wiener!" Michael Stewart Robb discusses Chapter One of Dallas Willard's The Divine Conspiracy.
§9 Tolstoy's Journey (Conspiracy Commentaries)
Leo Tolstoy's life parallels ours except for the fact that he could find meaning among the peasants. Where are our peasants? Michael Stewart Robb discusses Chapter One of Dallas Willard's The Divine Conspiracy.
§8 Merely Academic? (Conspiracy Commentaries)
Life is absurd. Maybe Does what is taught or implied in university classrooms really matter? Michael Stewart Robb discusses Chapter One of Dallas Willard's The Divine Conspiracy.
§7 The Incredible Power of "Mere Ideas" (Conspiracy Commentaries)
Can a thought change the world? Some don't think so. Michael Stewart Robb discusses Chapter One of Dallas Willard's The Divine Conspiracy.
§6 Why Be Surprised? (Conspiracy Commentaries)
"What is our world coming to?" What a strange question. Michael Stewart Robb discusses Chapter One of Dallas Willard's The Divine Conspiracy.
§5 Rumors from the Intellectual Heights (Conspiracy Commentaries)
Does anybody know what's right? Is anybody taught? Michael Stewart Robb discusses Chapter One of Dallas Willard's The Divine Conspiracy.
§4 Life in the Dark (Conspiracy Commentaries)
We humans have to know where we are. Light is essential. Michael Stewart Robb discusses Chapter One of Dallas Willard's The Divine Conspiracy.
§3 Completing a Series (Conspiracy Commentaries)
What other books did Dallas write? Is The Divine Conspiracy new theology? Michael Stewart Robb discusses Dallas Willard's Introduction to The Divine Conspiracy.
§2 My Assumptions about the Bible (Conspiracy Commentaries)
Second part Dallas Willard's Introduction to The Divine Conspiracy. Michael Stewart Robb discusses four paragraphs that could have been an entire book.
§1 Introduction (Conspiracy Commentaries)
"This is not a devotional book." Discussing the introduction to the Introduction of Dallas Willard's The Divine Conspiracy. Michael Stewart Robb introduces how Dallas Willard introduces his book.
Dedication (Conspiracy Commentaries)
Reading Dallas Willard's The Divine Conspiracy is well worth the effort and in this throat-clearing episode Michael Stewart Robb introduces the book.