Habits of Highly Transformational Churches

Recommended Reading

The following books are recommended to those who wish to study for themselves in the area of the social character of transformational churches. Regularly we will expand the list.



Eugene Peterson - The Pastor: A Memoir

Dallas Willard - Knowing Christ Today

Lesslie Newbigin - The Good Shepherd

John T. McNeill - A History of the Cure of Souls

Richard Baxter - The Reformed Pastor

D. Michael Henderson - A Model for Making Disciples

Elton Trueblood - Alternative to Futility

Gregory the Great - Pastoral Care

Andrew Bonar - Letters of Samuel Rutherforld

Harry Escott - P.T. Forsyth and the Cure of Souls

John H. Westerhoff, III - Will Our Children Have Faith?

Francis Fenelon - Letters to Men

Jonathan Goforth - By My Spirit

Oswald Chambers - Workmen of God: The Cure of Souls

Kent Carlson & Mike Lueken - Renovation of the Church

Marva Dawn - Reaching Out Without Dumbing Down

James Wilhoit - Spiritual Formation as if the Church Mattered

E.M. Bounds - Power through Prayer

A.B. Bruce - The Training of the Twelve

William Law - An Humble, Earnest, and Affectionate Address to the Clergy

Randy Frazee - The Connecting Church

Charles Finney - Reflections on Revival